These videos show how to pass all 100 Console original tracks. They have been grouped in sessions of 10 tracks. The first 10 tracks are a little different from those on the desktop or mobile versions, from 11 to 40 they are just reorganized, and from 41 to 100 they are all the same.
Tracks 1 to 10
Tracks 11 to 20
Tracks 21 to 30
Tracks 31 to 40
Tracks 41 to 50
Tracks 51 to 60
Tracks 61 to 70
Tracks 71 to 80
Tracks 81 to 90
Tracks 91 to 100
Player | Score | " . ($i+1) . "." . " | "; echo ""; echo " | " . $row['name'] . " | "; //echo "" . number_format($row['score']) . " | "; echo "" . number_format($row['MAX(score)']) . " | "; echo ""; } ?>